May 5, 2010

In the Studio: Oregon State Hospital

We invited our collaborators on the Oregon State Hospital Replacement Project to our office last week to review sign submittals prepared by Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE). Over lots of chocolate, we discussed OCE’s fabrication capabilities and brainstormed the best approach to achieving design intent using OCE materials and methods rather than technologies we might otherwise have specified. This congenial and collegial process resulted in a shared committment to each other’s success in the project.

Top photo: Rodney Myrick (Hoffman Construction) holds a sign sample for the group while Jon Melschau (SRG Partnership) and Abby Alway (AK) look on.
Bottom photo: Abby Alway and Cherry Britton, (AK) observe as Barry Moss and Richard Wright (OCE) take notes. Also present were David McCarthy (SRG), Michele Bouterse (HOK) and Steve Ryan (OCE).