Chemeketa Community College's new campus in McMinnville, Oregon rests in beautiful Yamhill Valley, home to rolling hills and world class vineyards. Working with
Yost Grube Hall Architecture to promote "sense of place" within a new classroom building, we designed specialty graphics to punctuate major corridors. Featuring photographs by
Janis Miglavs, these full wall graphics appear as windows to nearby valley views.

The wall graphics will be digitally printed and subsurface laminated to glass. We joined Rich and Julie Anderson of
Architectural Metalcrafters, sign contractors for the project, at
OBP Digital to review OBP's printing capabilities. Above, Cherry unwraps samples from similar projects.

Chris Underwood gives a tour of his shop and chats about our project. Started by Chris's grandfather and formerly called Oregon Blueprint, OBP Digital is a great example of keeping up with technology and changing to meet the needs of our evolving industry.

Our projects succeed with collaboration, from project kick-off with owners and architects to the last details of fabrication and installation. We relish it all.